NGO has made a paper on the topic and it has been presented at ICSE 2019( international Conference on sustainable education) held in Delhi.

About the unit

  • A 1000 sq feet dedicated area inside school premises for waste paper recycling
  • Paper unit of 6 kgs/per cycle capacity of TARA make is installed, producing 100 papers, every 3rd day.
  • Segregated paper waste generated in the premises like school papers, notebooks, carton boxes etc. are utilised as raw material for paper making.
  • Three women staffs from the school operate the unit in their eight hour shift. Each staff of the school is trained and takes the duty on a rotational basis

TARA : Paper recycling unit


Each year school saves 300kg of waste paper from going into landfills

The unit demonstrate a methodical process of paper recycling, introducing them to the science of papermaking process.

Students from 7th to 10th grade make field trips to this centre and understand the practical applications of physics, chemistry and biology in paper making.

Moreover, the school has exposed their women staff to a new skill development opportunity of handmade paper making.


Seed Rakhis in making


Paper recycling unit staff

Following items are made using the recycled paper for self utility

  • Chart paper
  • Carry bags
  • Envelopes
  • Scribbling pads
  • Coasters

During festivals, special products like seed rakhis, seed flags are also made.


Seed Rakhi


recycled paper Bookmark


Recycled paper Coaster


Recycled paper bags

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