Sowing the seed of sustainable lifestyle in young minds is the sole aim of this half a day educational field trip.

Trip Awakens the 5 senses & helps use your heart, hand and mind to live in sync with nature.

  • Sense of Smell, as that of moist soil and compost.
  • Sense of hearing, the so sound of mooing of calf and cow.
  • Sense of vision, by the sight of greenery.
  • Sense of taste, sweetness of fruits.
  • Sense of vision, by the sight of greener.

Earthshastra unit in School


Biogas plant

  1. Vermibeds for Garden and horticulture culture waste Composng:  Earthworms, farmer's friend works 24x7, 365 days a year to make this nutrient rich worm castings which provides the manure for the schools organic farm.
  2. Organic farm:   Grown here are vegetables and crops of various types.
  3. Biogas:   Learn how biomethanisaon plays an economical, efficient & environmental friendly method of waste management
  4. Dogs, Ducks & Cow with a calf:  Learn the role of domescated animals
  5. Solar Panels :   Explores methods to ulize natural resources for generaon of renewable energy.
  6. Kagadam:   A spacious 1000 square feet area dedicated to recycle schools paper waste. All the waste paper is converted into paper pulp and this pulp is used by school for its own staonary.